Anchorage Anecdotes

Welcome to my first Blog. This is an easy way to share my move to Anchorage with friends and family.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

1st Trip to the North Slope - November 2005

1-4 November 2005. Took my first trip to the North Slope. It was Benefits Open Enrollment time and several people in my group go up to the Slope annually to meet with employees. It was a perfect opportunity for me to go and meet employees and see where our employees work and live while there. It was a good trip, and I enjoyed it. It felt, in some ways, like I was back on Project in the IZ. Meals provided at specific times in the lunch rooms, housed in a small room with a single bed and a shared bathroom, work is 7 days a week for about 12 hours a day. The picture of me shows the Pipeline behind me. We saw musk ox, caribou and a red fox during this trip. Couldn't get a picture of the fox because it moved too fast. The musk ox were too far away for the pictures to come out well. But there's a decent picture of the caribou.


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